

Forth Canoe Club relies on its volunteers to run, and so to encourage volunteering we provide them with big discounts on costs.

Some of the volunteering opportunities that are available are listed below: 

Benefits list and subscription booking link below the form

Volunteer Sign-up Sheet

If you want to volunteer, sign-up on the form  below or send us an email. We'll give you a discount code, for the appropriate benefits, that you can use when setting up payments on the Bookwhen service. (Or alternatively if you choose a volunteer subscription option on Bookwhen without having first been in touch, we'll get in touch with you to talk about this).

Volunteering levels

Volunteers can pledge their time at the following levels - which match the options available on Bookwhen at the time you will sign up to pay for activities (details on the Membership & Fees page - also see Bookwhen step by step instructions).

Each level is inclusive of the previous levels benefits:

10+ hours - Free Key Hire

20+ hours - £5 Discount Per month on Subscriptions

30+ hours - Fixed £10 per month unlimited subscription + FREE boat hire

40+ hours - Free half day 1:1 coaching session

50+ hours - All paddling, equipment hire, boathouse access > FREE <