Membership and fees

Membership, fees and subscriptions

If you are paddling with us regularly there are likely to be three charges to pay, as below:

Membership is required for anyone paddling with us after three trial sessions (note that fees for beginners courses may automatically cover membership). 

Boat/equipment hire can be paid for by card at the clubhouse before paddling. If you'd prefer to pay the annual hire fee we take payment for this using Bookwhen.

Regular paddlers attending weekly organised sessions (e.g. sprint, slalom, polo) are likely to want to pay for these with a subscription. We use the Bookwhen to take payment for this.

We rewards to volunteers such as reduced rate, you can self elect to volunteer. See this page for info

Membership Rates (2024/25)

We strive to be an inclusive club so if you feel these costs will prevent you joining or paddling with us then please send an email to:

Link to step by step instructions on paying for membership on Eventbrite.

Renewing your membership? Member of another canoe club? Existing SCA member? It's fine if you want to use the Eventbrite link above, which you might find simpler, but ideally you should join or renew using the the SCA JustGo.

Paying for introductory courses or open night.

Note that if you are booking an introductory course, as a new non-member, you can ignore everything on this page. Your course fee will include membership and equipment hire. Open nights are also paid for on Eventbrite (but this fee does not include membership). Follow this link to Eventbrite.

Session subscription options - via Bookwhen.

There are a number of different subscriptions available. Each option sets up a direct debit arrangement.

If you expect to attend sessions more than twice a month a subscription is more than likely your best option. For example four individual sessions would cost £40 (before equipment hire) whereas even the simplest monthly 'blue' subscription (one weekly session) costs just £20 for the month. 

How to use Bookwhen to pay

We recommend following this link to detailed step-by-step instructions.

Before proceeding to Bookwhen to organise a subscription or to pay for boat hire you should:

What counts as regular sessions (for session subscriptions)

A "session" is any of our regular weekly organised coached or led activities for regular paddlers focused on competitive activities (i.e. not open nights and club nights). The main sessions are those involving: 

There is an additional fee for these sessions, on top of any boat/equipment hire. This can paid by individual session (£10, by card at the club), but we encourage payment by subscription at a greatly reduced rate.

Feedback on Bookwhen

We are for the first time for 2024/25 and would like your feedback using the form below. At the end of the year we will review whether or not this system is better than the old one and whether it is working well for our club.

We are also hoping that a simpler system may have more  uptake and with a better view of how our active our club is may make reducing costs viable if everyone gets on board with the new system.